Economic Opportunities

My family business survived through the recession of 2009 and is resilient through the current effects of inflation due to the principles of strategic investments, economic conservatism, loyalty to employees, and fair and honest dealings with our customers. These same principles guide the economic decisions I make for our district in the legislature. I believe in listening to diverse voices and working together to find powerful solutions to challenging concerns. As your senator, I have worked with UDOT and others to address smart growth in northern Utah, including road infrastructure and expanding broadband.

Level-Headed Leadership

I advocate the rights of individual citizens and businesses to engage in causes they value. (I chose to put 435 solar panels on top of my business and contributed to the installation of charging stations in Logan). And, while I support common sense and economically viable solutions for cleaner air and resist discrimination of any kind, I oppose attempts to bypass democracy and transform capitalism into an ideological agenda. In the 2023 legislative session, I sponsored 3 of 5 critical bills (S.B. 96, S.B. 97, S.C.R.9) pushing back against Environmental Social Governance (ESG) – an investment framework used by some organizations to prioritize environmental and social causes over returns. Opposing ESG promotes smart business decisions and economic prosperity.


There is no better investment we can make in our future than in ensuring our children have the education that will prepare them for economic and personal success. I support local control and parent’s choice. I also believe in providing our teachers with the resources and support they need to implement innovative, personalized ways of teaching and feel empowered and appreciated for the critical role they play in the lives of our children. Since I took office, the legislature has increased spending for public education by over $2 billion, with a strong focus on increasing teacher salaries.

Lower Taxes

I am one of many small business owners in our district. Low taxes and small government not only benefit businesses but keeps prices low for consumers. In addition to advocating for businesses, I support lowering taxation of individual residents in the state. During the 2023 and 2024 sessions, the Legislature provided a collective $1 billion in tax relief for Utahns, including $170 million as a result of a bill I sponsored (S.B.69) that reduced the income tax rate from 4.65% to 4.55%. I am proud to support these tax relief efforts to give families a necessary break from excessive taxation and hold our government accountable.

Rights & Liberties

Echoing the Cache County GOP Platform, I “affirm [my] support for individual freedom as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and protected in the Constitution.” I support the Second Amendment and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, as well as the Cache GOP Platform’s stance that “the use of a firearm in any criminal act should be severely punished.” I have sponsored legislation to protect both the citizens’ Second Amendment rights (S.B. 115) as well as efforts to protect children from those who abuse the right to bear arms (H.B. 140).

Family Values

My family is everything to me and I truly believe that strong families are fundamental to strong societies. I am proud of legislation that I have been privileged to sponsor that protect children (S.B.57, H.B. 305, H.B. 284, H.B. 140, S.B. 167) and those that make adoption easier for both adoptive parents and birth mothers (S.B. 147, S.B. 154). I will continue to work tirelessly in defense of children and families.